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Maximizing Steam System Efficiency

Services - Steam System Audits

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We would be happy to schedule a walk through to assess your Steam Systems and make recommendations on how to make them more efficient.

Mosto Technologies performs annual steam system audits in over 200 NYC facilities every year. Through Steam System Audits Mosto Technologies Saved over $3.6 Million in Losses in 2020.  Local Law 97 prescriptive measures require building’s to test 100% of their steam trap population each year.

The Auditing Process

Testing all Steam System Leak Points

  • Testing all Steam System Leak Points
  • Steam Traps
  • Bypass Valves
  • Safety Relief Valves
  • Vacuum Breakers

Full Steam System Overview

  • Correct trapping and piping practices
  • Steam Trap sizing and application
  • Steam system insulation
  • Energy Saving Upgrade Opportunities

All Work is performed by a trained expert technician. A full report will then worked up by our Engineering staff once all necessary data has been collected.

Breakdown of incentives

Mosto Technologies is a pre-approved steam trap surveying company for both Con Ed and National grid incentive programs.

  • Con-Edison Gas
    • $750/failed trap up to 70% of project cost
    • Survey – 50% of survey cost up to $5,000
    • Survey will be incentivized as long as project is completed in the program
  • National Grid Gas
    • National Grid will fund 25 percent of the cost of a steam system survey to a maximum of $3,000 if recommended repairs are incented through the National Grid rebate program.
    • If you opt to complete at least 50 percent of the recommended repairs, National Grid will pay an additional 25 percent of the survey cost (up to $4,000). The maximum funding cap is $7,000 per gas heating account per calendar year.
    • Following repair/replacement and confirmation of steam traps, National Grid will reimburse customer for steam trap survey in addition to up to 50 percent of repair/replacement costs. If repairs are not made within 90 days, reimbursements will be limited to 25 percent of survey costs.

Steam Trap Testing Tables

Mosto Technologies Inc Steam Trap Survey Overall Results
Year Total Bldg Traps Tested Total # Failed Avg Fail Rate Total Losses Total Cost Total Saved
2018 214 19821 2484 13%  $     3,866,438  $    496,812  $     3,369,626
2019 231 23541 2687 11%  $     3,314,617  $    542,101  $     2,772,516
2020 237 24362 2495 10%  $     3,266,387  $    561,055  $     2,705,332

  • Last 3 years of Total savings
  • Failure Rates based on system size
  • Failure Rates based on how often traps are tested
Steam Trap Amounts Total Buildings in Range Avg. # of Traps Avg. Failed Traps Avg. Saved ($) % Avg. Trap Failure
0-100 32 54 8 $19,175 17%
101-200 29 138 17 $28,472 13%
201+ 16 324 37 $53,700 12%
0-100 58 48 7 $17,804 15%
101-200 26 138 13 $21,780 11%
201+ 18 334 35 $70,756 11%
0-100 70 48 7 $14,875 14%
101-200 30 145 10 $27,365 9%
201+ 20 331 33 $77,178 10%

Mosto Technologies Steam Trap Survey Cost Benefit Analysis

The following provides historical data of losses and savings derived from Mosto Technologies steam system auditing program. The auditing program is a complete comprehensive audit of the buildings steam system. All potential leak points (traps, bypass valves, safety relief valves) are tested, along with recommendations for additional potential savings through heat recovery, chiller efficiency, condensate efficiency, piping, and insulation

Portfolio A

# of Buildings Rentable Sq. Ft Traps Avg Failed Traps Total Cost Average Annual Loss Total Average Annual Savings
Total 22 18,874,184 4405 372 $96,910 $449,603 $352,693

Portfolio B

# of Buildings Rentable Sq. Ft Traps Avg Failed Traps Total Cost Average Annual Loss Total Average Annual Savings
Total 9 15,662,698 994 89 $23,856 $174,485 $150,629

The following provides an overview of data for all of Mosto Technologies steam system auditing clients for the winter of 2011 and 2012

Mosto Technologies Steam Audit Portfolio

# of Buildings Rentable Sq. Ft Traps Failed Traps Total Cost Annual Loss Total Annual Savings
Total 149 111,028,356 14901 1531 $352,130 $3,315,593 $2,963,463

Case Study – 7 Building Commercial Office Portfolio

  • Portfolio of 7 Commercial Buildings
  • All 7 are Con Ed Steam customers located in Midtown Manhattan
  • Utilize Steam for cooling, heating, and hot water generation
  • Commercial building portfolio Con Ed steam customer in New York City wanted to lower its operational steam costs.
  • Mosto Technologies recommended implementing an annual steam system auditing program at all 7 properties.
  • By identifying and testing all of the steam system leak points, Mosto Technologies could identify all of the inefficiencies in the steam systems, eliminating steam losses, generating savings.
  • A total of 652 leak points were located and tested throughout the portfolio.

Scope of Work

  • Locate, tag, and test all possible leak points in the steam system (Steam traps, bypass valves, safety relief valves)
  • Develop comprehensive leak point database
  • Make recommendations based on the best possible solutions to correct the system inefficiencies
  • Develop a savings analysis based on steam pressures, hours of operation, and the size of the leak point
  • Through the walk through and analysis of the whole system, additional steam savings opportunities are noted and proposed for future energy savings projects

Results / Savings Analysis

  • Over the past 3 years 652 leak points have been tested annually throughout the 7 building portfolio.
  • Losses and savings have been tracked over the past 3 years
  • Portfolio showed a high failure rate during the first year of testing
  • Portfolio showed significant drop in failure rate as steam system auditing program progressed
  • Typically we find a failure rate between 15% to 20% during the first year of testing
  • Typically the failure rate drops to around 10% annually after initial testing
  • Failure rates will tend to hover around 8% to 10% annually even if systems are continually tested year after year
  • All leak points are mechanical pieces of equipment which have a limited life span.
  • There will always be failures in a steam system, it is important to be diligent in your efforts to maintain an efficient steam system through annual testing.
  • Mosto Technologies recommends a steam system audit be performed annually to ensure the systems are being maintained at the highest possible efficiency.

The following table is the 3 year tracking of the steam system auditing program in this particular NYC commercial portfolio.

Portfolio 3 year History (7 Buildings)


Number Leak Points

Failed Points

Failure Rate








































  • Losses and savings are based on annual numbers
  • An average Con Ed rate of $27 per Mlbs was used in 2011 and 2012
  • An average Con Ed rate of $28 per Mlbs was used in 2013

Please Call or Email to schedule a walk through to discuss the auditing program